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Find Parking Zones



Finds nearby "on-street" parking zones, sorted by distance, that are available at the specified location and time.

NOTE: Search results will **ONLY be returned if the `start` time is INSIDE their operating schedule**, in other words, a search performed for Sunday afternoon will likely yield ZERO results, even if the user is standing inside a regulated parking zone.

NOTE2: Due to GPS error margins (typically 5 metres for mobile devices, more in built-up locations) there might be multiple parking zones in the results. Please ask the user to confirm which one if this is the case.


Query Parameters

    lat floatrequired

    Default value: 40.4674229

    Geo Latitude to check if there is on-street parking.

    Example: 40.4674229
    long floatrequired

    Default value: -3.6823719

    Geo Longitude to check if there is on-street parking.

    Example: -3.6823719
    start date-time

    Default value: now

    Optional ISO datetime to check for parking zone availability (defaults to now, past dates will be treated as now).

    Example: 2020-02-16T11:25:00.000+01:00
    precision integer

    Default value: 5

    Optional GPS precision in metres (defaults to 5, max 100)

    Example: 5

Header Parameters

    x-access-token stringrequired

    HTTP authentication header obtained from POST /authenticate or POST /user that identifies the user making this call.

    Example: NgDvLMpPq.6AgfCvkP.YEWA3ZX


Journey details

    journey_coordinates object[]
  • Array [
  • lat number


    lon number


    current_time date-time

    Current time

  • ]



  • Array [
  • lmpzid stringrequired

    A unique identifier for this "on street" regulated parking zone

    name stringrequired

    The type of the regulated parking zone

    subname string

    The name of the regulated parking zone

    city string

    The name/identifier of the parking city

    area string

    The area where this regulated zone is located.

    region string

    The region where this regulated zone is located.

    country string

    The 2-letter country code where zone is located

    start date-timerequired

    The time when user can start parking in this zone

    max_duration integerrequired

    The maximum parking duration allowed in this zone (in minutes)

    distance integerrequired

    The distance from search coordinates in metres (0 means that coordinates are inside the zone)

    sectionId number

    The identifier of the area. Only in Barcelona

  • ]